Super Soaker Classic 200

All Data on this page has been physically verified with an Actual CS200

The Benchmark

Tank Capacity
2.4 Liters - 81oz
Measured with a measuring cup.

Pressure Tank Capacity
600 ml - 20 oz

1x Nozzle Diameter
2x Nozzle Diameter
3x Nozzle Diameter

Measured with precision screwdrivers. Please remember these nozzles are rated 1x 2x and 3x sitting beside other Classics and not XPs... The Standard XP nozzle rates at about 3x Classic.

1 Second Blast at Maximum Force at 1x
30ml - 1oz
1 Second Blast at Maximum Force at 2x
40ml - 1.4oz
1 Second Blast at Maximum Force at 3x
55ml - 1.9oz

1x Shot Length at above 70% power
30 sec
2x Shot Length at above 70% power
20 sec
3x Shot Length at above 70% power
15 sec

This Thing lasts forever!

Pumps to full
Pump Shaft Volume

Due to the age of this gun, it's air intake valve system has broken down to the point where the pump doesn't work as well as it did. because of this, this could not be measured

Shots per full tank
4 Shots

Mathematics... But really with the problem with one tank draining faster than the other, you'll be lucky to get 3.

Performance Overview.
Coulda lived without as many pumps. Of course the tested one wasn't so good in the pump anyway. Output is good, Range is decent, not as good as 100's range but it stays up above 70% power for a long long long time. One tank has the tendancy to drain quicker than the other. Compared to the other Classics, this gun filled its position as 200 quite well indeed. XPs are where this gun starts to falter.

Structural Overview.
Big and Long. Double Reservoirs are Slow and difficult to load. The short pump stride brings more than enough pumps. The Strap is short and can't be slung over your head like on a CPS. All this set aside leaves a gun that was good and useful when fully charged (when...). The Construction of this gun, unlike the other classics, was designed to take a beating and designed to carry its own weight. The Body is the same as the Classic 100 (only orange) and has a yellow plastic handle grip around the handle for sturdyer support.... The Tubes are stronger too. This gun lasted a long time, The tested one is 7 years old...